Que tipo de corriente maneja ella, porque pasarle un poco con mi cable
(ok, me largo)
Que tipo de corriente maneja ella, porque pasarle un poco con mi cable
(ok, me largo)
I luv orange (want some orange juice?)
yes plz :3
The most wholesome, funny and epic thing i've read in a while, hope u do more of these in the future (even if at least in a shorter format)
This is some weird interesting idea (haven't heard the song yet)
It’s out!
Hehe, mom's hair (I wanna be in dat place one day)
Paranormal... the way that girl looks at me
Oh, sorry, wrong post
Oh no... XD
Wew, lots of ppl participated in this, i'm really impressed (also, I didn't know I inspired this, I dunno how tho, u makin' me blush)
The "Darnell cupcake" killed me
I couldn't think of a place to light a candle yet. And I thought about the muffin :3
Happy Pico Day!
This might be the first pic I see these guys actually relaxed (or I missed any of these before, who knows)
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21