Very nice way of drawing and coloring, the drawing looks very clean, so nice job. Also, TADC episode was a "pilot", and had very good reception, so it's probable it'll become a series, unless that reception wasn't enough for the creators
Very nice way of drawing and coloring, the drawing looks very clean, so nice job. Also, TADC episode was a "pilot", and had very good reception, so it's probable it'll become a series, unless that reception wasn't enough for the creators
Thank you!
This is actually very original, and it's good drawn. It's far better than you'd expect from something drawn in paint. pretty good job
Thank you very much! It's been hard to come up with any ideas now so I'm glad you think it's original.
This looks pretty nice, however, i'm not really sure this qualifies as "E" rating, "T" would fit more due to the "blood" and the design itself.
Easy remedy :3
In terms of strokes, colors and design, this looks good. Maybe it would look slightly better with some shadows and illumination. other than that, pretty nice
Thank you so much!
I was thinking myself "this looks very mario-y", until I looked to the title. Very nice job
Hey, very cool. This is the first time I see this character, and looks quite interesting in detail. Is very original as well
Wow, very disturbing, but very cool. Also, amazing artstyle, looks very polished
Very cute, and I like sketchy designs most of the time. Do you have any other social media aside from newgrounds (considering this is your first post)?
This left me perplexed for a moment. I feel that what makes a gorish pic special from others is the emotion it conveys, and this one conveys a strange mix of discomfort & peacefulness, is disturbing in a good way
You're so Kind, Thank You For The Review. I'm Glad The Tone I Was Trying to Get Across Reached its Mark. :D
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21