Merry REALLY early christmas (i'm preparing for christmas)
Merry REALLY early christmas (i'm preparing for christmas)
I'm getting it a little early this year so everyone can enjoy it! Merry Christmas!! Have a wonderful one! ❤️💚
Xiao xiao vibes tothemax
Not bad for a small animation, but this is really missing some audio (not music, just audio IG)
mee have no audio:(
I'm wondering, who's the author of the music or how is it called?
Edit: Ok, now i'm sure this isn't copyrighted
here i am
This already gives impact from the animation, but with the right sfx, that punch would feel way better (I know this is a test, so you probably weren't aiming for that anyway)
ayy thank you for the rating! and yeah that ended up being the part that drove me a lil insane so I kept it small, but I do love sfx though so I'm gonna try some new stuff out
I think you should make the animation a little longer for it to outstand (and add it sound). In quality this is near to a test, which people don't tend to like
thank you I will take that into account
Due to the length and "animation quality" this would do better in the Art Portal as a gif. It's lacking some purpose for it to be called an animation, or at least a more detailed animation
I'm ok with whatever I work with
It looks nice, but it's missing audio of any kind (like, if animation is gonna be this short, at least make it more likeable)
Yea thanks :D, ibis paint doesn't allow audio tho and I hate flipaclip, the only thing I could do is edit it externally and add some classic Roblox sfx and call it a day
Pretty nice. You can search for voice actors in the collabinator (lower part of the community tab). Also, you should reference where the music is coming from and/or who made it
Thank you very much for the information, I have already updated the description
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21