I reached 32 bytes of followers
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - December 28th, 2024
I was checking the things shared across my social profiles, and I realized something funny: Nora was the first of all my chars to be shown to the world, according to dates.
It still would take a few more days to see Kinbari for the first time, and even more to see Boxanne. I always thought Kinbari was the first one, and even Nora was like the third one :b
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - December 26th, 2024
As is usual, within the end of the year, many people are starting to make their recaps and to give their greetings to those they feel more grateful with. How do I know? 'cause between today and yesterday i've been receiving lots of notifications from people mentioning me in their posts (and I sure am not the only one). Feels satisfying to know I touched lots of hearts this year for the simple reason I feel I didn't do anything particularly special; I went through just like I normally do in my life. Happy last days of 2024 ;)
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - December 25th, 2024
Christmas time is here...
Hello, I hope you have (or already had) a great christmas day. It's a day of magic celebration for most of us, and i'm always grateful to celebrate it with those I love most (being both the real life people I know, and the greatest users i've made bonds with over here).
Secret Santa 2024 finished, and I got a super cute gift:
Made by @MageKate07. You can see the Secret Santa reveal right here
Santa Claus got me nothing... which makes sense, since Santa Claus does not visit us over here (I live in México), and besides, I wouldn't ask for anything else: I got my best year in general after a lot of past mistakes. What did I achieve this year?
I already made a 2024 recap right here. If you want to see more of the things I did this year, go check it out:
And that's it, I honestly don't have much else to say, merry christmas and happy new year! See ya'll on 2025 :))
-Emiliano, the snowman
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - December 14th, 2024
It's been really quite huh...
I was very unactive this last weeks, and college is the only one to blame. Whatever, I have finished with college for now (I still have to get my final grades, but that's sand of another bag). I still have a few things to share in the upcoming weeks, like the secret santa and some other drawings I had to postpone. Not to mention I'm still working in Boxanne 2, which should be done for March, but we'll have to see. Anyway, wish you a nice weekend, I have to get back on track myself, see ya around :D
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - December 3rd, 2024
I know it's not the time yet, but merry christmas :))!! (I'll say it again the right day ;) )
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - November 24th, 2024
This is gonna be a smol post.
So, I've noticed an increase in art featuring me or any of my chars in others pictures, without me even requesting that, as if I was some kind of famous guy, did I really touch people's hearts that much? also, besides art, some other people start to talk to me as if I was an old friend instead of a rando on the internet whenever I show up somewhere.
I know it's not something to brag about, but it feels really heartwarming that people seem to appreciate my work, or even my presence. Normally this is the part of the post where I would say something stupid, but this time I just wanna be emotive for a moment and thank all of you for your kind words and actions towards my person, that's practically all i'm working for everyday (that, and for the love of art).
Christmas is almost here, so this seems like the appropriate time to highlight this "achievement" of love (that sounded kinda corny :b). Wish you all a happy night, week, month, year, and century!
-With all the warmth of my heart, Emiliano
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - November 17th, 2024
Just woke up, took the breakfast, cleaned the terrace a bit, and came to Newgrounds, just to realize my latest Boxanne art got frontpaged. It's the first work I've ever got frontpaged that isn't a collab (as far as I know), and caught me off guard, that's a pleasant way of starting the day. If you haven't seen it, here's the art:
You could say this is definitely one of the pleasures of being alive :b
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - November 3rd, 2024
Hello, I'm Ems :) (It's been a long while since I last showed around).
I'm halfway through the semester, but last weeks have been deathly stressing (considering how calm I am all time, that's worrifying). At least this last week helped me to regain serenity, however, I wanted to make art again, but I've been feeling a bit... tired? I figured out I was kinda putting a lot of detail and effort on some works, when what I need at the moment is calm that messy head of mine, so I wanna do some sketches, I made a thread so you can share me your ideas :)
Also, smol heads up for future projects: New Boxanne game coming, and new Boxanne art as well. I'm also making a comic with some new chars (it's gonna be A rated, just to let ya know), it's gonna be a smol experiment. That's mostly it, have a nice evening (or whichever hour is on your state).