I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
Beautiful banner made by @rosarjc

Emiliano Zacarías @EmsDeLaRoZ

Age 21, Male

Eat chocolate

México, América

Joined on 12/23/21

Exp Points:
4,076 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.15 votes
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11m 19d

Organizing some ideas

Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - 13 hours ago

Helio to all of you. It's been a while since I've made an update of my current state, but this post isn't exactly to make an update. I have many ideas for the future, and I wanna know which ones interest you most. Give me your most sincere opinion, as I wanna make sure to both share things I actually like making and things that all of you can fully enjoy.

Kinbari lore

The sociopathic bondage fairy has some interesting history behind, and I'm planning to explore it through comics, would you be interested?

Boxanne 2

It's been a while since our environmentalist box girl had her smol adventure, do you want to take another trip through Boxanne's magical world?

Recommended artists #6

I know most people will want to see this one back, but what I wanna know is how much exactly: would you be hyper hyped for the upload of this series next entry, or can you patiently wait for it?

Nora B. Amsterdam new stories

Just like Kinbari, I'm planning on sharing more stories related to Nora in a comic format. Be noted that Nora's lore is quite simple, and the comic's focus would be more leaned to a "slice of life" format (also, not all comics would be bondage related, as there are other corners of Nora's activities and relations I want to explore).

EmsDeLaRoZ Q&A

If you ever wanted to know something about me or my creations in depth, this is your opportunity. I've been wondering about doing something like this for a long while, but I don't know how much people actually care about me to actually ask me things. Guess asking hurts nobody.

Let me know if any of all of this interests you. As a side note, I have many other projects, but they are still "works in progress" and I like my bigger projects to be a surprise for people. If you want to support my work aside from just cheering in the shadows, you can go and donate me through my Ko-Fi page, or follow me in my YouTube channel (I don't like asking for money, but I guess I gotta think about my future). Thanks for your time, see ya around :DDD



don't rlly know how aalasteir chooses ppl to interview, but you could always try asking him :0

Quality rather than quantity. Take your time man! I would like to know more about Boxanne (hidding the fact I died 200 times the first game), but everything with quality needs hours of work, If you want to draw bondage are you free to do! (also I think people here don't dislike it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), I want to know about the lore of your avatar, if you don't mind.

The lore of my selfchar isn't really complex, but if you wanna know, i'll be very pleased to share it (also, dying 200 times in Boxanne and not giving up shows some serious dedication)