men moment: I do wanna try a maid outfit anytime
men moment: I do wanna try a maid outfit anytime
Duo always scared ppl a lot. It's a fortune he's already dead
I hope he doesn't resurrect!
- :3
Moms are the most underrated force of nature. Respect to good moms forevah (Y viva los hispanohablantes :b)
very cool and all but, imagine being a dentist who lacerates themself just for trying to treat some patient's teeth
Amilea would be the type to bite a dentist at the age of 30
It's probably for the whole composition, but this art feels so charming and warming to me
Bunny Be ready to Blast (this is very cool)
It's sanik teh hedchjog !!1!
Nevada, but Hank never killed that Boombox guy
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21