Well, can you see that?
I reached 200 followers. A few years more and I should become a world icon. In the meantime, thanks y'all for your support, wonder what this Ems will deliver in the upcoming times
I like chocolate
Is kewl to make funny things. Also, death to homework forever and ever
I have a weird common sense, just to let ya know
Age 21, Male
Eat chocolate
México, América
Joined on 12/23/21
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - July 3rd, 2024
Well, can you see that?
I reached 200 followers. A few years more and I should become a world icon. In the meantime, thanks y'all for your support, wonder what this Ems will deliver in the upcoming times
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 28th, 2024
In case ur interested in my current situation, here's a smol update of what's going on with my works.
Lately, I've been very busy with school and work, and things of the sort. Due to all the situations I've had to face, I haven't been online as much as i'd like, not only in NG, but also in other places I like to frequent. The rest of time I've had available, I've spent it in programming a game I hope you all will be able to play before september 20th. Making that game has required a lot of investigation, studying, programming, erasing, and at some level, sacrifice. I'm not revealing anything besides of that, I want it to be a surprise for y'all.
Upcoming collab?
As stated before, I've been pretty busy with some real life issues I've had to deal with, and as a result, I haven't been able to work as much as i'd love. One of these project ideas that had to be delayed is a possible collab. After the success of the Earth Day Collab, I've been very interested in making another funny event that can gather talent of many types, but this time, trying not to limit things to art only. If things seem to accommodate for me, that collab might be a possibility until September or October, but only time will say.
Boxanne... 2?
Not a possibility until 2025 sadly. As some of you might already know, there was another Boxanne game in development (which was kind of an spin-off), but had to be delayed indefinitely due to the already mentioned issues.
Funny comics coming
Between the occasional pics I share in the Art Portal, I'm planning on submitting more comics. Some in the monochromatic style you've already seen, and maybe one with actual colors.
That's all that mostly. I know everything seems a bit complicated, but I can't do much more about my current situations right now. The rest of the projects I have had to be put in stop at the moment so I can focus in the few most important while I also focus in the boring problems. Anyway, see ya around :))
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 28th, 2024
After a busy day of disgraces, I entered NG to find out that @rosarjc made a beautiful banner inspired in me. More precisely, the one you see below:
I just changed the banner of my account for this one (I already had a more simplistic one, but this one is so beautiful to not show it off). There you can see Boxanne, Nora and Kinbari, as well as good ol' Ems, and some sick drawing techniques and elements all around the place. I can't help but feel flattered, thanks a lot rosarjc!!
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 24th, 2024
After like 1 & 1/2 year, I decided to do exercise again to keep healthy. I lost condition, all my body hurts
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 18th, 2024
I just uploaded a new song (sort of):
You might see new songs in the upcoming days, result of old projects I left unfinished and decided to retake. That's all, see ya :))))
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 17th, 2024
My account has reached 193 followers!!!!!1!1!
I know, it ain't 200 yet, and I know, the 193rd follower came some weeks ago, anyway, I still want to thank these ppl that actually took a time to look at my works and decided they were kewl enough to follow me. Those ppl who find Boxanne's adventures, Kinbari's troubling shenanigans or any random nsfw pic released every millenium, without all of them I wouldn't be where I am right now (and I wouldn't have done what I have until now).
I also want to thank some awesome ppl that have made my experience, inside and outside of the site, more heartwarming :)))). I tend to not be very talkative, but i'm always attentive and I try to be as present as possible when needed.
Thanks to @Thetageist, she's kewl and quite ambitious sometimes, and has many funny ideas in mind.
Thanks to @Creeperforce24, with his attitude and style, he tends to feel like the smoler brother I never had.
Thanks to @KittyhawkMontrose, since I began to show up in her streams, I've had many funny conversations and learned new methods and techniques for drawing.
Thanks to @whimsical-wife, I'm used to not expecting any form of friendly comments aside from a "cool looking pic" or "this looks pretty good" type, so having her to express with a lot of emotion feels weird (in a good way).
Thanks to @StevSteelEn and @CappyCatII, I see them very often in a Discord server we all hang together, and although I don't speak a lot there, I like seeing what they're up to.
Thanks to @Tyhond, for no particular reason, world just needs more ppl like him :))
Finally, thanks to @53xy83457, @SkilledFella, @FutureCopLGF, @Nebulate and @ElRandomGMD, my interactions with them hasn't been as personal as it has with the rest of the ppl I mentioned, but it would be a lie if I told they didn't impact my work in any way, be it in the form of criticism, inspiration or just motivation.
What's coming in the future? It's very unclear since things are becoming to twist over here, among things like school, work and life in general. I'm beginning to think the Boxanne game I announced some weeks ago might be cancelled, or in the best case, delayed indefinitely (with the purpose of switching to a different but less ambitious Boxanne project). There are also some other ideas i'm willing to show off, but until everything I need among time, resources and knowledge lines up, they're staying in the paper for now. I've also wanted to host another collab, but as you might know, hosting a collab requires a lot of preparation and coordination, and I need my life to be as calm as possible to do so, meanwhile, i'll have to wait a bit more.
I don't worry about all these things however. I'm a "destiny" believer, all things will come down when they have to. In the meantime, I will keep coming to the site everyday and supporting it, as well as the ppl that work as hard as me (or even more) to make their ideas a living being. See ya all when I reach 200 followers :3333
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 11th, 2024
Even though my vacations just began, this last week has been a very rough one, reason why I haven't been as active in the site as I'd wish. However, things are slowly getting back on track, as I have lots of ideas for art, games and events I want to pull off in the future. If things don't seem to turn around again, you might be seeing some changes in my account in the near future, different profile pic, different banner, new playlists (nickname is staying the same tho. This Ems still has to DeLaRoZ a lot).
And speaking of changes, there's also a new thing: Now I have a Ko-fi page! Now, I'm not really fond with the idea of asking my followers to give me their money to push my projects farther (since I love doing things I love without caring 'bout money), but due to current situations, if I can receive a smol amount of help, as little as it can be, i'll be able to work more regularly in future ideas, and I will make sure to credit supporters in future games in some credits section. If you're interested, you can visit the page by going here.
I have to note something important about my Ko-fi page tho: I'm not accepting commisions currently. I still am not sure if I will ever open commisions, since I do art focusing in outering the weird ideas of my mind, not the ideas of others, but I still can't say I won't do it since there's lots of things I have to analize. If you were expecting me to take your request for a pic or something, i'm sorry to disappoint you.
With all of that taken out of the way, I wish you all a nice month, see ya until the next post!
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 10th, 2024
I've seen lately an increase in the amount of art featuring Boxanne some way, you know, in the form of fanart or the sort. Maybe it was just a coincidence of many ppl making Boxanne inspired art, but whatever the reason, it's so heartwarming to see ppl actually like her a lot (I mean, like her enough to make fanart of her). That's all, just wanted to outer this thought, hope we can see more of the environmentalist box headed girl in the future through the site, be it from my future projects, or just from the things ppl do around her
Posted by EmsDeLaRoZ - June 8th, 2024
So, I was searching for my name in google (to investigate something) and I got some interesting recommendations.
I get there appear Boxanne, Kinbari, NG and the One Char challenge I did, but I find unusual that there also appear Dread ghost and the Recommended Artists series I made. I don't feel recommended artists has gotten that popular to appear in google, and Dread... well, r a n d o.